Friday, September 28, 2012

Friday Foto Op!

I come from a long line of lip-kissers, & I certainly wasn't gonna be the one to break the chain!
Well, it's Friday.

That marks another week where I had to take pictures of myself.

I can tell you that I'm not enjoying seeing myself on camera this much.

I'm just so judgmental.

I should probably work on that.


I dun't wanna!

These are the ones, believe it or not, that passed my harsh scrutiny!

My favorite!  Look how wittle that hand is.  Wittle bitty!
Goof ball #1 & #2.

Precious baby boy!

I wish Walk was looking at the camera!  :(
Have a TERRIFIC weekend!

I'm counting on the Georgia Bulldogs to whoop some Volunteer bootay!  GO DAWGS!

Have a tickle-attack with your sweet babies!

And pinch your husband's hiney in public.  {he'll love it!}