Thursday, November 1, 2012

Captain America, Y'all!

It was SO much fun for me to help Walker pick out his costume.

We browsed on-line {because that's how I roll}, & I let him pick his favorite, Mommy-approved costume.

He picked Captain America.

Now, he nor I have ever seen Captain America.

My knowledge of CA is that he is a superhero.

Walker's knowledge of CA was that he loved the shield pictured with the costume............ the one that didn't actually come with the costume, & I didn't realize it until the costume was delivered.  However, once Walker saw the muscles on the costume, he forgot about the shield.  {whew!!!!}

While I was getting all dolled up for our church's Fall Festival, Daddy took Walkie out back & had this adorable little photo shoot!  ♥ ♥ ♥

The Fall Festival was a crazy, sweet time with a bunch of kiddos running all over the place.

Playing games.

Jumping in bouncy thing-a-ma-jigs.

Parents eating their children's candy.............. oh, wait!  That was just me.

And some good cousin time for Walkie Talkie.

It was a GREAT evening............ and I'm sure it was just wild & crazy enough for me to get a nap out of Walker tomorrow!  Woohoo!