This means that Walker gets to wear a cute costume.
And get lots of candy.
Play on blow-ups.
And get lots of candy.
So, I thought............ why not kick the day off with some chocolate goodness.
I mean, seriously, why not?
I'm gonna be
As I was browsing on Pinterest last night, I came across a simple recipe for Nutella Hot Chocolate.
You heard that right!
I said.......... N.u.t.e.l.l.a.H.o.t.C.h.o.c.o.l.a.t.e.
You'll need milk & Nutella.
I prefer Organic Whole milk, but preferences on milk are as varied & strong as are opinions on politics............. so I'll just state my choice & move on.
Did you catch that you'll need Nutella?
That glorious, wonderful, creamy deliciousness.
I love Nutella, but I don't care for hazelnuts............... go fig........ weird, huh?
Pour about 1 cup of milk into a small pan.
Warm milk, & add about 2 Tbsp. of Nutella.
Whisk together until heated through & your Nutella is no longer in a glob. {yes, that's the techincal cooking term}
Break out your favorite Christmas mug. {because everyone ignores Thanksgiving}
Pour & enjoy!
Nutella Hot Chocolate as found on Pinterest
- approx. 1 cup milk
- 2 Tbsp. Nutella
- cute mug