Sunday, May 12, 2013

Mother's Day...... Schmother's Day.

Sunday.  May 12.  Mother's Day.

A horrendous, heart wrenching day for many.

But a joyful occasion for most, as we celebrate with our Children & our Moms & Grandmoms & Great Grandmoms.

Although, I think this day is basically a "Hallmark" holiday, it's still a really sweet & precious way to remember our Moms & the sacrifice & love they freely gave to us as we held them hostage & demanded it from them in our infancy & toddler & teenage years.  There is no doubt that Mommas are WonderWoman disguised in yoga pants, Mom jeans, old t-shirts, & ball caps.  They've had their share {and then some} of stinky diapers & projectile vomit & bubble gum in the hair & temper tantrums & crayons on the wall........ but somehow they managed to love & adore us through it all!

My Mom is my best friend & a true example of what a godly mother should be!  I could write a book about her, but to still be a Momma's girl at age 31 probably sums it up best.  :)

Now, I am a Mommy.  This is my first Mother's Day!  And my guys are treating me royally - despite a disgusting, oozing bacteria spreading across my face {don't ask questions, I'm in hiding until it all clears up.}  They've brought me Starbucks & flowers and are making dinner for me tonight............ it's low key & precious & I am rejoicing!

Rejoicing because my years of pain & heartache & trying to become a Mommy are now over.  God has answered my prayers............ abundantly & exceedingly!  I AM A MOMMY!

However, I cannot think about this day without remembering the year that I refused to go to church on Mother's Day.  It was too hard.  Too painful.  A reminder that the thing I wanted most was totally out of my control & far beyond my reach.

So, while you celebrate being a Mom today........... think & pray for those women who are hurting today because the thing they want most is far beyond their reach.  If you know one of these women, hug her, call her, text her, REACH OUT.......... for heaven's sake don't ignore her because you don't know what to say!  You may feel awkward & she may not text back or call back, but keep that lifeline open for her.

A "Mommy Without a Baby" doesn't necessarily need someone who knows what she's feeling........... what she needs MOST is someone with compassion & tears & strength & love!

Most of us never find that............ so, rise to the occasion {tough as it may be} & be that friend for the "Mommy Without a Baby" in your life.  Reach out to her.  Don't make her reach out to you!

Let her know that on this dark, dark road you will be there for her........ to point her to Christ when all her strength is gone!


  1. Happy first Mother's Day! I'm celebrating my first one as well, and it's great. A friend of mine posted this link on Facebook recently, and I think it goes along with your blog post perfectly! It is a great reminder that this can be a painful day for some!

    1. Hey, Kelley!

      Thanks for reading & leaving a comment.

      AND Happy Mother's Day! ENJOY!

